Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Do you have Wi- Fi or cable available?

    No, we do not have Wi-Fi or cable available. If you need Wi-Fi we suggest using a hot spot off your phone or possibly bringing your own Wi-Fi device from home.

  • Do you have bathroom facilities?

    No, we do not currently have bathroom facilities but sometime soon in the future we will!

  • Do you have a swimming pool?

    No unfortunately at this time we do not. We are slowly adding all of these awesome features!

  • Can I camp in my tent?

    No, we cannot accommodate tent campers because we do not have bathroom facilites or showers.

  • Are pets allowed?

    Yes, pets are allowed but you MUST pick up after you pet and keep them on a leash with you at all times while outside the camper.

  • Can I bring my golf cart or kayak?

    Absolutely! Golf carts are allowed and we have a paddle launch for kayaks, canoes and paddle boards. To launch a motor boat please use one of the county public landings.

  • Can I fish in the pond without a fishing license?

    Yes, if you are fishing the pond on site you can fish without a license. We just ask that any fish you catch you quicky release them back into the water.

  • Do you have laundry facilities?

    Yes, we do have a small laundry space but plan on expanding soon!

  • Can I bring my own firewood?

    Yes, you may bring your own firewood. Please take back any of the unburnt firewood with you. We do have firewood for sale here at the office.